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Amelia County Parks and Recreation

A Win For Amelia County Parks and Recreation

The Parks and Recreation Department of Amelia County, Virginia knows how powerful an effectively designed website interface can be. With a wide array of youth sports programs, adult continuing education classes, and rental facilities available through their existing site, the Department realized they needed a stronger solution to better serve their residents. Of particular note was a desire to assist busy families by streamlining their time consuming processes for registering in youth activities. Under the existing system, registration forms needed to be printed, signed, and dropped off in person. This, the Parks and Recreation department knew, could be improved upon greatly.

When they teamed up with Virginia Interactive (VI), Amelia County, Virginia Parks and Recreation Department wanted to create a brand new, greatly enhanced website with a deep array of online services.

The suite of services provided by the new site includes facility, event, and sports registration, and internal administrative tools for inventory management and transaction reporting. The page not only fields features in one easy to navigate location, but allows for greater access to recreation services for youth and families. Parents and guardians can locate activities, and through a deep bench of functions, complete all steps needed for connecting youth to programs.

“Virginia Interactive has helped us totally recreate our parks and rec sports registration process. No more driving in with paper forms for our citizens - we can now register our children for sports (or ourselves for classes) with the click of a button. This has been a major goal for us as a County and Virginia Interactive made it happen. We have truly enjoyed the experience and can’t say enough about the team we worked with from VI. Two highly enthusiastic thumbs up from Amelia County,” says Carla Cave of Amelia County Parks and Recreation.

Design continues to take an ever more powerful role on the screens we access the world on. Form and function must blend together to, ideally, create the most positive experience possible for each user. With Virginia Interactive, this is a balance that is always strived for. Often, the true test of this balance is in the end fulfillment of need. In this case, making life easier by enabling a community to access some of its most important resources is proof of a major goal being scored.

Happily, residents of Amelia County are not the only ones taking notice of the new webpage. Their new site recently gained an honorable mention at the prestigious MarCom awards, which recognize national excellence in marketing and communication. When the right team comes together, everyone walks away with a win.




  • Amelia County Parks & Recreation Website - Honorable Mention


Hermes Creative Awards

  • Amelia County Parks & Rec App ; Government ; Honorable Mention


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